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Home > Shop > Sotion Motor FW01 (Hall) High Power For Sur Ron Light Bee. UK Stock 2- 3 Day Delivery. Includes Shipping and Taxes

Sotion Motor FW01 (Hall) High Power For Sur Ron Light Bee. UK Stock 2- 3 Day Delivery. Includes Shipping and Taxes

Sotion Motor FW01 (Hall) High Power For Sur Ron Light Bee UK Stock 2- 3 Day Delivery Including Shipping and Taxes.


Sotion Motor FW01 (Hall) High Power For Sur Ron Light Bee

UK Stock 2- 3 Day Delivery

Includes Shipping and Taxes!!

Compatable witth OEM, Torp and EBMX controllers

International shipping available – 20% VAT removed at checkout.


Sotion Motor FW01 (Hall) High Power For Sur Ron Light Bee

We don’t just “buy em and flog em”. We fit, test and ride !!!

The Sotion motor designed to take high power and heat. A robust motor for a Surron/Segway bike.
A direct replacement for the OEM motor that fits straight in.
We love the build quality and peformance of this motor – now our clear favourite of everything out there (and we have tried all o of them). No more crazy inflated prices of other brands.
Suitable controllers: ASI (we recommend BAC8000) and the EBMX X9000.
Recommended rear sprocket 48T
This motor fits all Sur Ron light Bee frames, Segway x160 and x260 frames and does not need any additional fixtures or bolts.
  • PEAK POWER = 35000W
  • High 180 C temp thresholds
  • IPM syn RM rotor design
  • MAX TORQUE = 62Nm
  • SENSING METHOD = Both Hall & Encoder
  • FW01 72V13KW

* UK Warranty 

Our warranty is limited to 12 months from time of purchase. Due to the use and the nature of this device (Off-Road) and the potential excess  exposure to: water, rain, mud and the possibility to sustained high powered use/abuse, we do not warranty controllers that show signs of damage, excess heat or water penetration. All devices are fully bench tested working with a full working motor before leaving our premises. Any damage caused by your installation is not covered by our warranty. alteration may void warranty. This includes shortening of cables and changing connectors. We highly recommend the use of one of recognized fitters where installation is fully covered.

Warranties are not transferable.

We reserve the right to slightly modify or change this product without notice.

Bike not included



Buyer releases Electron Cycles or any person trading on or behalf of the business known as Electron Cycles from any liabilities, therein known as Electron Cycles (expressed or implied, arising by law or otherwise) that may occur from the use of products sold by Electron Cycles and purchased by Buyer. These products are being sold for “Off Road/Competition Use” only and may be used only on two wheel vehicles (bicycles, electric bicycles, two wheel electric powered vehicles) used solely for “Off Road/Competition” (off-road being defined as a private land with land owners permission and not public highway or byway). The Buyer also recognizes that Lithium batteries are classed as hazardous and should not be: stored, used, charged in place, facility any area that is not fire proof or safe to do so. That batteries should not be taken into the family home, office, workplace or school place. No other applications are intended or implied. The Buyer of product sold or provided by Electron Cycles acknowledges and agrees that Seller disclaims any warranty and expressly disclaims any liability for personal injury or damages or any damages to vehicle, expensed occurred, personal property or third persons. Electron Cycles will uphold the warranty of the manufacture of the product sold for a period of six months from date of purchase from manufacturer defect. In the event a manufacturer’s warranty exists, it is agreed and stated that Under no circumstances shall the seller or manufacture be liable for any labour charged or travel time incurred in diagnosis for defects, removal, or reinstallation of this product, or any contingent expenses.



Additional information

Weight 9.9 kg
Dimensions 50 × 28 × 35 cm
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