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Home > Shop > Remote Session Diagnostic / Tuning – Electronic Controller or Battery

Remote Session Diagnostic / Tuning – Electronic Controller or Battery

Remote Session Diagnostic / Tuning – Electronic Controller or Battery


Remote Session Diagnostic / Tuning – Electronic Controller or Battery

including VAT  By Electron Cycles Limited

Remote Sessions unavaiable between 08 Jan and 14 Jan

Additional controller tuning – Battery Investigation- Remote Diagnostic Sessions – Simple Remote Fixes.

Rate includes 20% VAT and for 45 minutes only and one session only, One bike only.

For UK working hours: Monday 2pm until 4.30pm. Tuesday –  Thursday 10 am until 4.30pm. Friday 10 am until 4pm Closed weekends.

This payment is for additional work to tune a controller with an existing program or inspect the controller for fault diagnoses at the owners request. This is not for warranty work but for failure or tuning not related to manufacture or initial set up (first install support is free). This is not a guaranteed fix, but may fix tuning issues or tell you what the issues could be. Will also calibrate your throttle.

This fee can also be used for a Battery BMS  fault diagnoses. The fee is not refundable.

When you buy our kit we give free initial support to make your bike work and free support to analyze any  issues. Controllers do not “lose a tune”, but things can stop working as if the motor is becoming warm or experiencing hall sensor changes,  throttle faulting or poor connections, Motor swap. If you are asking for a change of use, for example  you have changed the motor type (new motors bought from us come with free progamming), or transfering the kit to another bike. You wil need our reprograming service “ASI Reprogramming Service – Remote (When a new map needs to installed for change of controller use)”

On receipt of Payment we will send you full set up details within 24 hrs via email – Please read these carefully and remember to restart your device. We can not work on an iPhone and make phone call at the same time. Android is preferred (no issues with phone call).

Please state on Purchase notes whether you want a remote session or send the unit to us for checking

Electron Cycles Remote Session Details:

Please call our mobile number 07961223451 (so we can use headphones):  Monday after 2pm, Tuesday – Friday – 10.30AM – 4.30PM UK Time.

We do get quite busy and the number may not answer or ring out; as we are most likely with another customer. So please try again in a few minutes. We always try to call back.

To give you support we will need to remote onto your media device.

You will need a good working internet connection.

Support will only be available after the  software has been installed on your media device (ASI on a mobile phone or tablet )

Failure to follow the instructions, may require the termination of your session.


This is for a one time  session of 45 minutes only

All support work is undertaken by an authorized  ASI Dealer and Hybrid Vehicles IMI Level 3 qualified engineer



Buyer releases Electron Cycles or any person trading on or behalf of the business known as Electron Cycles from any liabilities, therein known as Electron Cycles (expressed or implied, arising by law or otherwise) that may occur from the use of products sold by Electron Cycles and purchased by Buyer. These products are being sold for “Off Road/Competition Use” only and may be used only on two wheel vehicles (bicycles, electric bicycles, two wheel electric powered vehicles) used solely for “Off Road/Competition” (off-road being defined as a private land with land owners permission and not public highway or byway). The Buyer also recognises that Lithium batteries are classed as hazardous and should not be: stored, used, charged in place, facility any area that is not fire proof or safe to do so. That batteries should not be taken into the family home, office, workplace or school place. No other applications are intended or implied. The Buyer of product sold or provided by Electron Cycles acknowledges and agrees that Seller disclaims any warranty and expressly disclaims any liability for personal injury or damages or any damages to vehicle, expensed occurred, personal property or third persons. Electron Cycles will uphold the warranty of the manufacture of the product sold for a period of six months from date of purchase from manufacturer defect. In the event a manufacturer’s warranty exists, it is agreed and stated that Under no circumstances shall the seller or manufacture be liable for any labour charged or travel time incurred in diagnosis for defects, removal, or reinstallation of this product, or any contingent expenses.



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